Displayed here are various screen shots of new
character creation and different places and actions within
Ages of Despair. Click on an image to have it open up in another
A simple shot of one of the many ascii
login welcome screens where current players enter their
user information so they can enter our world. |
When you first arrive in to Ages of Despair, you will
find yourself at the main login courtyard at the gateway
to Loriah. This is a popular gathering point for adventurers
from all around the land. |
East of the login courtyard stands a tall building,
known as the LNPA (Loriah new players association) Kristelle
is one of our many interactive NPCs (non player characters).
She responds to questions and loves to assist new adventurers. |
The hall of Warriors, one of the four class halls that
can be found inside the city of Loriah. Here you will
find all guilds related to the Warrior class. Similar
class halls exist for Mage, Priest and Thief. |
Ghorim is the keeper of one of the busiest shops in
the realm. Here adventurers can buy and sell equipment
and other goods. most of the items sold here are for intermediate
and advanced adventurers. |
As you venture out of the main city, you will see that
the world has a user-centered mini-map system that will
help show you your surroundings as you venture out into
the world. |
Far outside the eastern gates of Loriah lies the seaside
town of Caerwyvrn. A ferry can be found here that will
take you to Avalon and other places across the sea. |
One of the things that makes mudding most enjoyable
is being able to interact with other people in a fantasy
environment. Typing 'who' will display a list of current
adventurers that are logged on. |