Log of the late night ramblings online, straight from the swedish
mud party:
Ages of Despair - Sunday, June 13, 2004, 2:59 AM
03:08 - *Maegen hugs you.
[ Fille has re-entered Ages of Despair ]
03:08 - *You huggle Maegen warmly.
03:08 - [wiz] Ave: OBS: I have company ;)
03:08 - [wiz] Maegen: you logged on to tell us you have company?
03:08 - [wiz] Fille: Howdy howdy!
03:08 - [wiz]: Fille d'honneur . o O ( aod company *-_^* ) to Maegen.
03:09 - [wiz] Maegen: What is this, geek bragging rights? "Someone likes me
03:09 - enough to visit me! Everyone look!" ;)
03:09 - [wiz] Ave: Yeah ;)
03:09 -
03:09 - [wiz] Ave: Soulfly and Tithian is here
03:09 -
03:09 - [wiz]: Fille d'honneur fears that.
03:09 - [wiz] Ave: ...are
03:09 -
03:09 - [wiz]: Zoso comforts A·\/·E.
03:09 - [wiz] Fille: where did Gemini go? *^_^*
03:09 - [wiz]: Maegen agrees wholeheartedly with Zoso.
03:09 - [wiz] Maegen: Give Tithian a bite from me
03:09 - [wiz] Ave: he's at home sleeping... he's not used to being up at 3 am ;)
03:09 -
03:09 - [wiz] Maegen: err a hug. Right. A hug.
03:09 - [wiz]: Fille d'honneur laughs.
03:09 - [wiz] Zoso: oh, not used?
03:10 - [wiz] Maegen: what? where he comes from it'd be like 6 pm right now.
03:10 - That wuss.
03:10 - [wiz] Zoso: you should have made him drink alot of beer so he would have
03:10 - done all sorts of stupid things while you were taking
03:10 - picturs! :)
03:10 - [wiz] Maegen: right, with his mom there ;) that'd happen
03:10 - [wiz]: Fille d'honneur agrees wholeheartedly with Maegen.
03:11 - [wiz]: Maegen gets Zoso drunk and makes him do stupid things.
03:11 - [wiz] Maegen: Oh, wait, i did that last night
03:11 - [wiz]: Maegen winks at Zoso.
03:11 - [wiz] Zoso: but no pictures!
03:11 - [wiz] Maegen: *cackle* Now Zoso will never be rid of me!
03:11 - [wiz] Ave: actually... I think he's the one who's gonna be telling
03:11 - stories about us ;)
03:11 -
03:11 - [wiz] Zoso: nice try
03:11 - [wiz]: Fille d'honneur laughs.
03:11 - [wiz] Zoso: if you were really drunk and doing stpid things, you wouldnt
03:11 - be logged onto the mud
03:12 - [wiz] Maegen: "And then Ave *whisperwhisperwhisper* to Tithian. It was
03:12 - nasty"
03:13 - [wiz] Ave: Oh, we have a written log about what we have been doing all
03:13 - day ;)
03:13 -
03:13 - [wiz] Zoso: that's so geekish
03:14 - [wiz] Ave: Hey... we're mudders! What did you expect ;)
03:14 -
03:14 - [wiz] Zoso: obviously you're not finnish mudders :)
03:14 - [wiz] Ave: No, and you guys are not here, so you don't have a saying ;)
03:14 -
03:14 - > kill zoso
03:14 - There is no zoso here.
03:14 -
03:15 - [wiz] Zoso: if we were, you'd be too busy to save what you can of your
03:15 - apartment to be talking here! :)
03:15 -
03:15 - > call zoso;set;immortal;0
03:15 - OBJ(zoso /std/user#78666)-> set( "immortal", 0 ) = 1
03:15 -
03:15 - > call zoso;set;hp;-2000
03:15 - OBJ(zoso /std/user#78666)-> set( "hp", -2000 ) = 1
03:15 -
03:15 - [events]: Zoso's scream can be heard over the entire island as he dies.
03:15 - [wiz] Ave: oups... I must be drunk for doing this :(
03:15 -
03:15 - You tell Zoso: sorry... tithian made me do it!
03:15 -
03:16 - You polymorph into Soulfly.
03:16 - [wiz]: Soulfly looks cool and goes: Yo.
03:16 - [wiz] Maegen: my husband!
03:16 - [wiz]: Maegen spank ave
03:16 - [wiz] Soulfly: ... muahahahaha
03:16 - [wiz] Maegen: oh, he left :(
03:16 - [wiz]: Maegen gives Soulfly a good spanking!
03:16 - [wiz] Maegen: pass that on for me will ya
03:17 - [wiz] Soulfly: nah... I/we just changed char to Soulfly :)
03:17 - > quit
03:17 - A gateway opens allowing you to leave reality.
Ave logs back on:
03:17 - [wiz] Zoso: aha, multiplaying!
03:17 - [wiz] Ave: only one at a time though
03:17 -
03:18 - [wiz] Ave: so... what should we do?
03:18 -
03:18 - [wiz] Fille: promote me *-_^*
03:19 - [wiz]: Fille d'honneur goes, "bahahahaha".
03:19 - [wiz] Ave: lets thimk
03:19 -
03:19 - [wiz] Zoso: get drunk, do stupid things and make sure someone takes
03:19 - pictures
03:19 -
03:19 - [wiz] Ave: ok... Tithian is trying to write with my keyboard... brb...
03:19 - I'm getting something more to drink ;)
03:19 - > who
03:19 - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
03:19 - -= Ages of Despair | Sun Jun 13 03:39:24 2004 =-
03:19 - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
03:19 -
03:19 - There are 6 wizards online:
03:19 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
03:19 - Ave [ Arch of Mudlib] Maegen [ QC Assistant]
03:19 - { Arch of QC/World} Zoso [ Creator]
03:19 - { X} Fille [ QC Assistant]
03:19 -
03:19 - There are 17 players online:
03:19 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
03:19 - {150} Meifert [94] Juele {75} Ezekiel {70} Afterlife
03:19 - [146] Kagehi [88] Anomalie {75} Yoarn {48} Niem
03:19 - [122] Deathflames {86} Grogy {74} Hydra [35] Sentra
03:19 - {115} Shadowfang [80] Arsenik {73} Djgod {19} Merc
03:19 - [101] Sephirah
03:19 -
03:20 - [wiz] Maegen: tell him the keyboard doesn't have any ink
03:21 - > ls /adm/share/images
03:21 - Path: [/adm/share/images]
03:21 - aristocats.img dragon.img pinkybrain.img
03:21 - bat.img dragon2.img pluto.img
03:21 - bat2.img eye.img porn.img
03:21 - be_mine.img frog.img problem_solve.img
03:21 - beatles.img ghostbusters.img rose.img
03:21 - bettyboop.img goofy.img shamrock.img
03:21 - bigcow.img heart_guy.img shark.img
03:21 - bigtweety.img homer.img skull.img
03:21 - bunny.img impossible.img smiley.img
03:21 - bunny2.img lis.img smurf.img
03:21 - c-6.img lotr.img snoopy_confession.img
03:21 - castle.img nude1-1.img snowwhite.img
03:21 - coke.img nude1-2.img sol.img
03:21 - colour/ nudemale1-1.img stripper.img
03:21 - cow2.img nudemale1-2.img truelove.img
03:21 - darth_vader.img odie.img unicorn.img
03:21 - doc.img picasso_the_lovers.img
03:21 -
03:22 - You shout: Message from Tithian's brain comming through... don't blame me!
03:22 -
03:22 - > img -all nude1-1
03:22 - 8888 8888888
03:22 - 888888888888888888888888
03:22 - 8888:::8888888888888888888888888
03:22 - 8888::::::8888888888888888888888888888
03:22 - 88::::::::888:::8888888888888888888888888
03:22 - 88888888::::8:::::::::::88888888888888888888
03:22 - 888 8::888888::::::::::::::::::88888888888 888
03:22 - 88::::88888888::::m::::::::::88888888888 8
03:22 - 888888888888888888:M:::::::::::8888888888888
03:22 - 88888888888888888888::::::::::::M88888888888888
03:22 - 8888888888888888888888:::::::::M8888888888888888
03:22 - 8888888888888888888888:::::::M888888888888888888
03:22 - 8888888888888888::88888::::::M88888888888888888888
03:22 - 88888888888888888:::88888:::::M888888888888888 8888
03:22 - 88888888888888888:::88888::::M::;o*M*o;888888888 88
03:22 - 88888888888888888:::8888:::::M:::::::::::88888888 8
03:22 - 88888888888888888::::88::::::M:;:::::::::::888888888
03:22 - 8888888888888888888:::8::::::M::aAa::::::::M8888888888 8
03:22 - 88 8888888888::88::::8::::M:::::::::::::888888888888888 8888
03:22 - 88 88888888888:::8:::::::::M::::::::::;::88:88888888888888888
03:22 - 8 8888888888888:::::::::::M::"@@@@@@@"::::8w8888888888888888
03:22 - 88888888888:888::::::::::M:::::"@a@":::::M8i888888888888888
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03:22 - 888888888:::::8:::::::::M8888888MAmmmAMVMM888*88888888 88888888
03:22 - 888888 M:::::::::::::::M888888888:::::::MM88888888888888 8888888
03:22 - 8888 M::::::::::::::M88888888888::::::MM888888888888888 88888
03:22 - 888 M:::::::::::::M8888888888888M:::::mM888888888888888 8888
03:22 - 888 M::::::::::::M8888:888888888888::::m::Mm88888 888888 8888
03:22 - 88 M::::::::::::8888:88888888888888888::::::Mm8 88888 888
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03:22 - 8 MM::::::::8888M:::8888:::::888888888888::::::::Mm8 4
03:22 - 8M:::::::8888M:::::888:::::::88:::8888888::::::::Mm 2
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03:22 - 8888M:::::888MM::::::::8:::::::::::M::::8888::::M::::M
03:22 - 88888M:::::88:M::::::::::8:::::::::::M:::8888::::::M::M
03:22 - 88 888MM:::888:M:::::::::::::::::::::::M:8888:::::::::M:
03:22 - 8 88888M:::88::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MM:88::::::::::::M
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03:22 - 888888MM::88::MM::::::::88@@88:::::::::M:::8::::::::::::::*8
03:22 - 88888 M:::8::MM:::::::::*88*::::::::::M:::::::::::::::::88@@
03:22 - 8888 MM::::::MM:::::::::::::::::::::MM:::::::::::::::::88@@
03:22 - 888 M:::::::MM:::::::::::::::::::MM::M::::::::::::::::*8
03:22 - 888 MM:::::::MMM::::::::::::::::MM:::MM:::::::::::::::M
03:22 - 88 M::::::::MMMM:::::::::::MMMM:::::MM::::::::::::MM
03:22 - 88 MM:::::::::MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM::::::::MMM::::::::MMM
03:22 - 88 MM::::::::::::MMMMMMM::::::::::::::MMMMMMMMMM
03:22 - 88 8MM::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMMMMM
03:22 - 8 88MM::::::::::::::::::::::M:::M::::::::MM
03:22 - 888MM::::::::::::::::::MM::::::MM::::::MM
03:22 - 88888MM:::::::::::::::MMM:::::::mM:::::MM
03:22 - 888888MM:::::::::::::MMM:::::::::MMM:::M
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03:22 - 8 888888 M:::::::MM:::::::::::::::::M:::M:
03:22 - 888888 M::::::M:::::::::::::::::::M:::MM
03:22 - 888888 M:::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::M:M
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03:22 - 88888 M:::::m::::::::::@::::::::::Mm:::::::M:::M
03:22 - 8888 M:::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MM:::::::M:::M
03:22 - 8888 M:::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MMM::::::::M:::M
03:22 - 888 M:::::Mm::::::::::::::::::::::MMM:::::::::M::::M
03:22 - 8888 MM::::Mm:::::::::::::::::::::MMMM:::::::::m::m:::M
03:22 - 888 M:::::M::::::::::::::::::::MMM::::::::::::M::mm:::M
03:22 - 8888 MM:::::::::::::::::::::::::MM:::::::::::::mM::MM:::M:
03:22 - M:::::::::::::::::::::::::M:::::::::::::::mM::MM:::Mm
03:22 - MM::::::m:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::M::MM:::MM
03:22 - M::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::M::M:::MM
03:22 - MM:::::::::M:::::::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::M:M:::MM
03:22 - M:::::::::::M88:::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MM::MMM
03:22 - M::::::::::::8888888888M::::::::::::::::::::::::MM::MM
03:22 - M:::::::::::::88888888M:::::::::::::::::::::::::M::MM
03:22 - M::::::::::::::888888M:::::::::::::::::::::::::M::MM
03:22 - M:::::::::::::::88888M:::::::::::::::::::::::::M:MM
03:22 - M:::::::::::::::::88M::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
03:22 - M:::::::::::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
03:22 -
03:22 - > img -all nude1-2
03:22 - MM:::::::::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
03:22 - M:::::::::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
03:22 - MM:::::::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
03:22 - M:::::::::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
03:22 - MM:::::::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
03:22 - M:::::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
03:22 - MM:::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
03:22 - M:::::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
03:22 - MM:::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
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03:22 - MM:::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::MMM
03:22 - MM::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::MMM
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03:22 - MMM:::::::::::::::MM
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03:22 - MM::::::::::::MM
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03:22 - MMM::::::::::MM
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03:22 - MM::::::MM
03:22 - MM::::::MM
03:22 - MM:::::MM
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03:22 - :M::::::M:
03:22 - M:M:::::::M
03:22 - M:::M::::::M
03:22 - M::::M::::::M
03:22 - M:::::M:::::::M
03:22 - M::::::MM:::::::M
03:22 - M:::::::M::::::::M
03:22 - M;:;::::M:::::::::M
03:22 - M:m:;:::M::::::::::M
03:22 - MM:m:m::M::::::::;:M
03:22 - MM:m::MM:::::::;:;M
03:22 - MM::MMM::::::;:m:M
03:22 - MMMM MM::::m:m:MM
03:22 - MM::::m:MM
03:22 - MM::::MM
03:22 - MM::MM
03:22 - MMMM
03:22 -
03:22 -
03:22 -
03:22 - [gossip] Deathflames: uh
03:22 - [bs] Arsenik: hmm
03:22 - [gossip] Deathflames: don't do that
03:22 - [wiz] Fille: dang dude
03:23 - [wiz] Ave: hey, I said it wasn't me!
03:23 -
03:23 - [wiz] Maegen: man, I wouldn't give Tithian access to my admin char ;)
03:23 - [wiz] Zoso: dont worry, he'll only use the quit button
03:23 - [wiz] Maegen: he's too blonde, he might hit his quit alias but on your
03:23 - char it's the 'nuke the mud' alias
03:24 - [wiz] Ave: well, I'm actually typing it... he's just asking me to type
03:24 - that specific stuff...
03:24 -
03:24 - [wiz]: Fille d'honneur rolls on the floor laughing.
03:25 - > img -wiz darth_vader
03:25 - _________________________________
03:25 - |:::::::::::::;;::::::::::::::::::|
03:25 - |:::::::::::'~||~~~``:::::::::::::|
03:25 - |::::::::' .': o`:::::::::::|
03:25 - |:::::::' oo | |o o ::::::::::|
03:25 - |::::::: 8 .'.' 8 o :::::::::|
03:25 - |::::::: 8 | | 8 :::::::::|
03:25 - |::::::: _._| |_,...8 :::::::::|
03:25 - |::::::'~--. .--. `. `::::::::|
03:25 - |:::::' =8 ~ \ o ::::::::|
03:25 - |::::' 8._ 88. \ o::::::::|
03:25 - |:::' __. ,.ooo~~. \ o`::::::|
03:25 - |::: . -. 88`78o/: \ `:::::|
03:25 - |::' /. o o \ :: \88`::::| "He will join us or die."
03:25 - |:; o|| 8 8 |d. `8 `:::|
03:25 - |:. - ^ ^ -' `-`::|
03:25 - |::. .:::|
03:25 - |:::::..... ::' ``::|
03:25 - |::::::::-'`- 88 `|
03:25 - |:::::-'. - :: |
03:25 - |:-~. . . : |
03:25 - | .. . ..: o:8 88o |
03:25 - |. . ::: 8:P d888. . . |
03:25 - |. . :88 88 888' . . |
03:25 - | o8 d88P . 88 ' d88P .. |
03:25 - | 88P 888 d8P ' 888 |
03:25 - | 8 d88P.'d:8 .- dP~ o8 |
03:25 - | 888 888 d~ o888 LS |
03:25 - |_________________________________|
03:25 -
03:25 - > large
03:25 - Syntax: large "<"
03:25 -
03:26 - > large say < I Rule!
03:26 - You say:
03:26 - _____ ______ _ _
03:26 - |_ _| | ___ \ | | | |
03:26 - | | | |_/ / _ _ | | ___ | |
03:26 - | | | / | | | | | | / _ \ | |
03:26 - _| |_ | |\ \ | |_| | | | | __/ |_|
03:26 - \___/ \_| \_| \__,_| |_| \___| (_)
03:26 -
03:26 -
03:26 -
03:26 -
03:26 -
03:32 - [ Zoso has left Ages of Despair ]
03:37 - > kill lich
03:37 - You attack Souldive.
03:37 -
03:37 - You hit Souldive.
03:37 - You hit Souldive.
03:37 - You hit Souldive.
03:37 - Souldive has finished his spell.
03:37 - Souldive's hands glow in a sickening light as he summons an orb of
03:37 - draining.
03:37 - The orb of draining leeches your life force.
03:37 - Souldive looks healthier.
03:37 - You hit Souldive.
03:37 - You hit Souldive.
03:37 - Souldive blasts you with arcane energy.
03:37 - You hit Souldive.
03:37 - You hit Souldive.
03:37 - Souldive throws a spinning vortex of magic at you.
03:37 - Souldive has finished his spell.
03:37 - Souldive's hands glow in a sickening light as he summons an orb of
03:37 - draining.
03:37 - The orb of draining leeches your life force.
03:37 - Souldive looks healthier.
03:37 - You hit Souldive.
03:37 - Souldive has finished his spell.
03:37 - Souldive's hands glow in a sickening light as he summons an orb of
03:37 - draining.
03:37 - The orb of draining leeches your life force.
03:37 - Souldive looks healthier.
03:37 - You hit Souldive.
03:37 - You hit Souldive.
03:37 - You hit Souldive.
03:37 -
03:37 - You hit Souldive.
03:37 - You hit Souldive.
03:37 - Souldive summons a lightning that strikes you.
03:37 - Souldive has finished his spell.
03:37 - Souldive's hands glow in a sickening light as he summons an orb of
03:37 - draining.
03:37 - The orb of draining leeches your life force.
03:37 - Souldive looks healthier.
03:37 - You hit Souldive.
03:37 - You hit Souldive.
03:37 - Souldive forced his ethereal hand into your chest and squeezed your heart.
03:37 - You hit Souldive.
03:37 - Souldive has finished his spell.
03:37 - Souldive's hands glow in a sickening light as he summons an orb of
03:37 - draining.
03:37 - The orb of draining leeches your life force.
03:37 - Souldive looks healthier.
03:38 - Souldive blasts you with arcane energy.
03:38 - You hit Souldive.
03:38 - You hit Souldive.
03:38 - Souldive throws a spinning vortex of magic at you.
03:38 - You hit Souldive.
03:38 - You hit Souldive.
03:38 - Souldive has finished his spell.
03:38 - Souldive summons a greater demon from the depths of hell
03:38 - Demon cringes away from you, powerful wizard.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - Souldive throws a spinning vortex of magic at you.
03:38 - Souldive has finished his spell.
03:38 - Souldive's hands glow in a sickening light as he summons an orb of
03:38 - draining.
03:38 - The orb of draining leeches your life force.
03:38 - Souldive looks healthier.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - Souldive has finished his spell.
03:38 - Souldive's hands glow in a sickening light as he summons an orb of
03:38 - draining.
03:38 - The orb of draining leeches your life force.
03:38 - Souldive looks healthier.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - Souldive summons a powerful arcane storm, thundering down on your poor
03:38 - body, leaving nothing but ashes!
03:38 - > halt all
03:38 - Halt: You end the battle.
03:38 -
03:38 - HP: [7492/12025] CONC: [16525/16525]
03:38 - > stats
03:38 - Your stats are: Str 1500, Dex 1500, Con 1500, Wis 1500, Int 1500.
03:38 - Souldive has finished his spell.
03:38 - Souldive summons a greater demon from the depths of hell
03:38 - Demon cringes away from you, powerful wizard.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - Suddenly, Souldive engulfs you in burning magic.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - > call souldive;set;hp;-200
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - Souldive stops wielding Souldive's staff of death.
03:38 - Souldive removes Souldive's unholy ring.
03:38 - Souldive removes Souldive's amulet of necromancy.
03:38 - Souldive removes Souldive's flowing cloak.
03:38 - Souldive falls lifeless to the ground.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - Demon has finished his spell.
03:38 - You are burned badly from the firebolt.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - > call demon;set;hp;-100
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - You hit Demon.
03:38 - Demon falls lifeless to the ground.
03:39 - > clean here
03:39 - Destructing: /obj/corpse#116440
03:39 - Destructing: /obj/corpse#116438
03:39 -
03:39 - You hit Demon.
03:39 - You hit Demon.
03:39 - Demon has finished his spell.
03:39 - A thundering cold spreads inside you as you are hit by an icebolt.
03:39 - > call demon;set;hp;-100
03:39 - Demon falls lifeless to the ground.
03:39 - HP: [11047/12025] CONC: [16525/16525]
03:39 -
03:39 - HP: [12025/12025] CONC: [16525/16525]
03:40 - > who
03:40 - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
03:40 - -= Ages of Despair | Sun Jun 13 03:59:42 2004 =-
03:40 - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
03:40 -
03:40 - There are 5 wizards online:
03:40 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
03:40 - Ave [ Arch of Mudlib]
03:40 - { Arch of QC/World} Maegen { QC Assistant}
03:40 - { X} Fille [ QC Assistant]
03:40 -
03:40 - There are 18 players online:
03:40 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
03:40 - {150} Meifert [101] Sephirah [80] Arsenik [73] Chrono
03:40 - [146] Kagehi [100] Fil {75} Ezekiel {70} Afterlife
03:40 - [122] Deathflames [94] Juele {75} Yoarn {48} Niem
03:40 - [122] Night [88] Anomalie {74} Hydra {19} Merc
03:40 - {115} Shadowfang {86} Grogy
03:40 -
03:40 - [wiz] Ave: so... you're too quiet!
03:40 -
03:40 - [wiz] Ave: You need to join the party!
03:40 -
03:40 - [wiz] Fille: whose too quiet?
03:40 - *You shake Maegen and try to wake her up.
03:40 -
03:40 - *You shake Fille and try to wake her up.
03:40 -
03:40 - [wiz] Fille: what party?
03:41 - [wiz] Ave: DOH, OUR mud PARTY
03:41 -
03:41 - [wiz]: Fille d'honneur grins.
03:41 - > home
03:41 - [/u/a/ave/workroom]
03:41 - Ave's workroom
03:41 - You are in a small dark room. The walls are painted black and on the
03:41 - eastern wall a large painting of a dragon is seen. On the right side of the
03:41 - painting a rose is attached with a tiny nail.
03:41 - The ceiling is somehow solid yet lets you discern the stars of the never
03:41 - ending night sky above.
03:41 -
03:41 - If you want to leave here, you can go "out".
03:41 -
03:41 - Obvious exits: maze and south.
03:41 -
03:41 - [wiz] Fille: I'm too far away to get there now *-_^*
03:41 - > summon fille
03:41 - You have summoned Fille.
03:41 -
03:41 - Fille goes eek!
03:41 - You say: ARE NOT!
03:41 -
03:41 - Fille grins.
03:41 - You smile at Fille.
03:41 -
03:41 - Fille . o O ( oh ).
03:41 - Fille giggles merrily.
03:41 - Fille . o O ( darn I guess that excuse didn't work *-_^* ).
03:42 - An aura of heavenly light appears above Fille's head.
03:42 - You say: I'll post the rl log of our gathering later
03:42 -
03:42 - Fille grins.
03:42 - Fille puts her thumb into the air and says, "Cool".
03:42 - > summon maegen
03:43 - You have summoned Maegen.
03:43 -
03:43 - You shake Maegen and try to wake her up.
03:43 -
03:43 - You smile.
03:43 -
03:43 - Fille . o O ( maegen! ).
03:44 - Fille chuckles "hehehehe".
03:44 - You say: Hey... we're looknig for a PARTY!
03:44 -
03:44 - Fille . o O ( what sort of party? *-_^* ).
03:44 - Fille giggles merrily.
03:45 - You say: as long as there's lots of chickies, we're satisfied ;)
03:45 -
03:45 - Fille laughs.
03:46 - You say: Soulfly wants metal-teeeens
03:46 -
03:46 - Fille . o O ( I don't think I'm one of those ).
03:46 - Fille winks.
03:47 - You say: so?
03:47 -
03:47 - Fille shrugs.
03:47 - You say: you'll do anyway :)
03:47 -
03:47 - Fille giggles merrily.
03:48 - Fille . o O ( I guess I better ).
03:48 - Fille grins.
03:48 - You say: Tithian says he also like classical teens ;)
03:48 -
03:48 - Fille laughs.
03:48 - Fille . o O ( I'm not a teen anymore ).
03:48 - Fille winks.
03:48 - Fille grins.
03:49 - Fille d'honneur is a tween.
03:49 -
03:49 - You sob hard.
03:49 -
03:49 - Fille comforts you.
03:49 - You say: how much tween?
03:49 -
03:49 - Fille . o O ( by like 3 years or so ).
03:50 - You say: so, 23? I hear lots of good comments around me ;)
03:50 -
03:50 - Fille laughs.
03:50 - You say: 23 - PERFECT says Tithian
03:50 -
03:50 - Fille goes "yeah right...".
03:50 - Fille chuckles.
03:50 - You say: Tithian wants to marry you
03:50 -
03:50 - Fille fears that.
03:50 - You say: how about Soulfly then?
03:50 -
03:50 - Fille hrms.
03:51 - You giggle merrily.
03:51 -
03:51 - Fille grins.
03:51 - Fille goes "nahhhh".
03:51 - You say: sorry, they are drunk and forcing me to write this!
03:51 -
03:51 - An aura of heavenly light appears above Fille's head.
03:51 - Fille . o O ( mmmmmmmmmm drunk ).
03:51 - Fille snickers.
03:52 - Fille . o O ( what are they going to do bonk you on the head repeatedly if you don't? *-_^* ).
03:52 - Fille giggles merrily.
03:52 - You say: I'm not sure...
03:52 -
03:52 - Fille . o O ( better ask them ).
03:52 - Fille winks.
03:54 - You say: they says they'll bonk me on the head repeatedly...
03:54 -
03:54 - Fille rolls on the floor laughing.
03:54 - Fille . o O ( how unoriginal ).
03:54 - An aura of heavenly light appears above Fille's head.
03:54 - Fille giggles merrily.
03:54 - Maegen winks and says: hmmm, what happened here?
03:54 - Fille . o O ( we are having a party ) to Maegen.
03:54 - You say: and I'm not sure that's a way I'd like to spend the rest of the
03:54 - night...
03:54 -
03:54 -
03:54 - Fille winks at Maegen.
03:54 - You give Maegen a high-five!
03:54 -
03:54 - You say: welcome Maegen!
03:54 -
03:54 - You say: how nice of you to join us!
03:54 -
03:55 - Maegen winks and says: i'm 23, but I'm taken
03:55 - Maegen is reading all the conversation.
03:55 - Maegen winks and says: so Tithian will have to take Fille
03:55 - Fille fears that.
03:55 - You say: we've been trying to pick up chickies all night but havn't had
03:55 - much luck untill we signed on AoD...
03:55 -
03:55 -
03:55 - Fille . o O ( nooooooooooooooo ).
03:55 - Fille giggles merrily.
03:55 - Maegen laughs at you.
03:55 - Fille . o O ( may I ask a non partish question? ).
03:55 - An aura of heavenly light appears above Fille's head.
03:55 - You say: is a no answer gonna stop you=
03:55 -
03:56 - You say: ask away;)
03:56 -
03:56 - Maegen lafs at you!
03:56 - Fille grins.
03:56 - You say: you'll get a thruthfull answer, I can assure you
03:56 -
03:56 - Maegen says: Ave is hotter than Tithian or Soulfly
03:56 - Maegen says: well, actually, I don't know that, but Ave was hot last I
03:56 - looked
03:56 -
03:56 - Fille . o O ( my major mob is way too easy is it okay to add harder spells since Grug ain't gonna be on for week+ ? ).
03:56 - You show your bulging muscles.
03:56 -
03:56 - <04:16:20:~> Maegen winks and says: Do Tithian and Soulfly have pictures?
03:57 - You say: as long as it is sure to kill all the mortals, none of us is
03:57 - gonna complain tonight!
03:57 -
03:57 -
03:57 - <04:16:49:~> Fille grins.
03:57 - Fille . o O ( what about in the morning? *-_^* ).
03:57 - Fille giggles merrily.
03:57 - Maegen winks and says: oh, in that case, can I have permission to
03:57 - code...
03:57 -
03:58 - Fille laughs.
03:58 - Fille . o O ( it wouldn't be much of a party if we are both coding *-_^* ) to Maegen.
03:58 - Fille winks at Maegen.
03:58 - Maegen asks: so, are you playing Spin the Bottle at your party?
03:58 - Maegen turns away and conceals a smile with her hand.
03:59 - Fille goes: ooOOooOOooOOoo.
03:59 - Fille chuckles.
03:59 - You say: the one to the right is Soulfly:
03:59 - http://www.flodihn.se/nannyversary_2004_05_08/000_0289.JPG
04:00 - Maegen is scarred for life.
04:00 - You shout: check out Soulfly's aSSS!!!
04:00 - http://www.flodihn.se/nannyversary_2004_05_08/000_0289.JPG
04:00 -
04:00 - Fille rolls on the floor laughing.
04:01 - Fille d'honneur is too.
04:01 - [gossip] Bender: Why does Soulfly's ass smell like Zoso's finger?
04:01 - [gossip]: Deathflames hmms thoughtfully.
04:01 - Fille . o O ( nice butts ^_^ ).
04:01 - Fille snickers.
04:01 - [bs] Maegen: Better it's not Soulfly's finger smelling like Zoso's ass I
04:01 - guess
04:02 - Maegen asks: so who's the other person, you?
04:02 - Maegen grins at you.
04:02 - Fille agrees wholeheartedly.
04:02 - You say: NO
04:02 -
04:02 - <04:22:04:~> Maegen laughs.
04:02 - You say: the other is some Nanny dude...
04:02 -
04:02 - Maegen goes "yeah right...".
04:02 - Maegen says: and his name is Ave
04:02 - Maegen winks.
04:03 - You go 'Bah!'.
04:03 -
04:04 - Maegen looks at you.
04:04 -
04:05 - Maegen smiles and says: I've never looked at you before
04:05 - You gasp in astonishment!
04:05 -
04:05 - You say: like what you're seeing?
04:05 -
04:05 - Maegen giggles merrily.
04:05 - Maegen says: oh of course. Your tentacles are hot.
04:05 - Fille d'honneur looks at you.
04:05 - Maegen asks: does your dictionary talk?
04:05 - > la ave
04:05 - A tattoo of 'A red dragon, breathing a jet of white fire.' on
04:05 - hir right shoulder.
04:05 - A tattoo saying "I killed 'Mojo·who·was·god'" on hir back.
04:05 - You might want to approach it carefully...
04:05 - You are a mindflayer, and are in perfect health.
04:05 - You are carrying:
04:05 - A spellbook (open)
04:05 - The roleplaying badge
04:05 - A black address book
04:05 - A gateway to another dimension
04:05 - A "Defender of Loriah" badge [worn]
04:05 - A Holy Circlet
04:05 - The Mark of a Thief
04:05 - Webster the Dictionary (closed)
04:05 - A Woodland mage pouch
04:05 -
04:06 - Fille grins.
04:06 - You say: I can look words up in it...
04:06 -
04:06 - > open dict
04:06 - The dictionary creaks open.
04:06 -
04:06 - 220 pan.alephnull.com dictd 1.8.0/rf on Linux 2.4.18-14 <1751262.18228.1087092253@pan.alephnull.com>
04:06 - You say: say a word?
04:06 -
04:06 - Maegen says: it has a name
04:06 - Maegen looks at you.
04:07 - Maegen pounces on Fille playfully.
04:07 - Maegen asks: does it have antidisestablishmentarianism?
04:07 - > define antidisestablishmentarianism?
04:07 -
04:07 - 552 no match [d/m/c = 0/0/15; 0.000r 0.000u 0.000s]
04:07 - > define antidisestablishmentarianism
04:07 -
04:07 - 552 no match [d/m/c = 0/0/15; 0.000r 0.000u 0.000s]
04:07 - You say: sorry, no match
04:07 -
04:07 - Maegen giggles merrily.
04:07 - Maegen says: I think its root is establish
04:08 - You say: rootbeer?
04:08 -
04:08 - Maegen says: yeah, you got it
04:08 - You wonder.
04:08 -
04:08 - Maegen asks: hey, do you guys have root beer in Sweden?
04:09 - You say: no, but Gemini asked for it... but none of us knows what it
04:09 - is...
04:09 -
04:09 -
04:09 - Maegen says: I went to get root beer in Latvia
04:09 - Maegen says: and I found a bottle that looked like root beer, and the
04:09 - contents looked like it
04:09 -
04:09 - Maegen says: but it was kvass
04:09 - Maegen cries.
04:09 - Maegen says: It was absolutely disgusting
04:09 - You grin.
04:09 -
04:10 - You say: So, what's rootbeer supposed to be?
04:10 -
04:10 - Maegen says: Root beer is a carbonated, non-alcoholic beverage that's a
04:10 - medium brown in color and has a light foam on the top, made
04:10 - from some kind of root and sweetened with a large amount of
04:10 - sugar
04:10 -
04:10 - You say: r...igth... beet-root?
04:10 -
04:11 - Maegen shakes her head.
04:11 - Maegen says: no, it's mostly herbs
04:11 - Maegen says: sarsaparilla, sassafras, wild cherry, wintergreen and
04:11 - ginger
04:11 -
04:11 - Maegen says: barks and roots and herbs like those
04:11 - You say: ok...
04:11 -
04:12 - Maegen says: mostly, it tastes like carbonated sugar water with vanilla
04:12 - Maegen giggles merrily.
04:12 - You blow chunks!
04:12 -
04:12 - Maegen says: the lowest sugar content of root beer I've ever seen has
04:12 - been 44g per serving
04:12 -
04:12 - You say: that sounds HORRIBLE
04:12 -
04:13 - You say: don't you have OX - filét in the US?
04:13 -
04:13 - Maegen says: I've seen some upwards of 70
04:13 - Maegen says: no, I've never seen that
04:13 - You say: do you have any OX then?
04:13 -
04:13 - Maegen says: not that I have ever seen
04:13 - You gasp in astonishment!
04:13 -
04:13 - Maegen asks: is it alcoholic?
04:13 - You say: it's a male COW!
04:13 -
04:14 - Maegen exclaims: We're talking about drinks!
04:14 - You say: no, we switched to beefs long ago!
04:14 -
04:14 - Maegen says: i thought OX was some kind of drink as you capitalized it
04:14 - You giggle merrily.
04:14 -
04:14 - Fille says: be right back.
04:14 - Fille fades into the shadows.
04:14 - Maegen says: yes, we have oxen here, but I am not sure whether we
04:14 - slaughter them. Probably though.
04:14 -
04:14 - You cry.
04:14 -
04:14 - You say: don't leave us
04:14 -
04:14 - Blink! Fille appears from out of nowhere with a twinkle in her eye. She
04:14 - curtsies gracefully at you.
04:15 - An aura of heavenly light appears above Fille's head.
04:15 - Maegen hugs Fille.
04:15 - Maegen smiles and says: I need to go pick up my pizza
04:15 - Fille grins.
04:15 - You say: Oh well, Gemini had OX here, and loved it :)
04:15 -
04:15 - Fille hugs Maegen.
04:15 - Fille grins.
04:15 - Maegen says: it can't taste much different than regular beef
04:15 - Maegen says: it's just a cow with testosterone
04:15 - Maegen says: that's probably why he loved it
04:15 - Maegen snickers.
04:15 - Maegen says: Mm, testosterone
04:15 - Maegen blows chunks!
04:15 - You say: From tithian and Soulfly: NOOBS!
04:15 -
04:15 - Maegen says: men.
04:16 - Maegen exclaims: To Tithian and Soulfly: BOOBS!
04:16 - You say: Soulfly want's it as raw that the blood is sipping out...
04:16 -
04:16 - You say: ;bleh
04:16 -
04:16 - Maegen says: So Tithian, what happened to your grand plan of parachuting
04:16 - in? :P
04:16 -
04:17 - Maegen says: They used to serve it that rare over here
04:17 - Maegen says: But not as much anymore cause of mad cow disease
04:17 - You say: Nah, that wasn't Tithian... was probably Pirate I think, but he
04:17 - never found a pilote :)
04:17 -
04:17 -
04:17 - <04:36:56:~> Maegen exclaims: Pirate is a nut. You would think he would bring his
04:17 - ship in and pillage the party!
04:17 -
04:18 - Maegen grins.
04:18 - Fille chuckles.
04:18 - You say: hmm... can you girls explain why we're three swedish guys here,
04:18 - and we're actually speaking to eachother in english?
04:18 -
04:18 -
04:18 - <04:38:14:~> Maegen says: I'm glad I didn't come to the party, cause you guys would
04:18 - probably have tried to get me drunk and molest me :P
04:18 -
04:18 - You say: oh, isn't that the point?
04:18 -
04:18 - Maegen says: because you're in English mode, talking to us
04:19 - You say: no, we've been doing it all day, even in a crowd...
04:19 -
04:19 - Maegen laughs.
04:19 - Maegen says: I can't explain that
04:19 - Maegen says: because you mud too much in English
04:19 - You say: the chick Tithian asked to the last dance turned him down :(
04:19 -
04:19 - Maegen asks: Did he ask her in English?
04:19 - Maegen says: He should've asked her in English, she would've swooned
04:19 - You say: no, in swedish
04:19 -
04:19 - Maegen snickers.
04:20 - You say: he says: DAMN IT!
04:20 -
04:20 - Fille chuckles.
04:20 - You say: and she was soo nice too, and at least 18!
04:20 -
04:20 - Maegen says: She'd be like . o O ( Hmm, he looks like a geek, but
04:20 - English is sexy. Ah, what the hell. ) *grin*
04:20 -
04:21 - You say: Tithian dements the statement that's he's a geek!
04:21 -
04:21 - Maegen says: he dements it, huh
04:21 - You say: hold on, picture comming up
04:21 -
04:21 - Maegen snickers.
04:21 - You say: oh, check the AoD page, tithian has a pic there
04:21 -
04:23 - You say: response?
04:23 -
04:23 - Fille . o O ( its the muscian with the unkempt hair! *-_^* ).
04:23 - You say: Soulfly wants to know how old you are Maegen...
04:23 -
04:24 - Fille . o O ( she said how old she was earlier ).
04:24 - Fille . o O ( wasn't he paying attention ).
04:24 - Fille winks.
04:24 - You say: prolly not... how old?
04:24 -
04:24 - An aura of heavenly light appears above Fille's head.
04:25 - Fille . o O ( she said 23 ).
04:25 - You say: oh, perfect then
04:25 -
04:28 - You say: Soulfly and Tithian wonders if you know any Metal- or
04:28 - Classical- Teens...
04:28 -
04:28 -
help nuke
04:32 - Multiple topics have been found. Choices are:
04:32 - 1. /doc/help/n/nuke (Document)
04:32 - 2. /cmds/adm/_nuke (Command)
04:32 - Select number: 2
04:32 - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
04:32 - Admin Command: nuke
04:32 - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
04:32 -
04:32 - Command: nuke
04:32 - Syntax : nuke [-abdD]
04:32 -
04:32 - Description: This command completely removes the data files
04:32 - of the inputted user, as well as nicely removing them if
04:32 - they are presently online. If the 'b' flag is given, it
04:32 - will automatically add the user's name to the mudlib's
04:32 - banish file. If the 'a' flag is selected, then the
04:32 - user's data files will be archived before character
04:32 - removal and if the 'd' flag is set, it will override
04:32 - any archive default sets, and delete the data files
04:32 - without archiving. Using 'D' will delete the user and
04:32 - remove the entire home directory as well.
04:32 -
04:32 - All character deletions are automatically archived,
04:32 - unless the delete flag is requested.
04:32 -
nuke -b ave
04:32 - Ave is an admin and should not be nuked.
04:32 -
04:34 - Fille . o O ( I don't ).
04:35 - You say: forgive any low life humour... or comment... it's getting late
04:35 -
04:35 - Fille grins.
04:35 - Fille goes "Indeed".
04:36 - Fille . o O ( someone is playing bad music here... ).
04:36 - > eval return filter_array(users(), (: $1->query("gender") == "female" :));
04:36 - Result = ({ OBJ(maegen /std/user#88243), OBJ(juele /std/user#38994),
04:36 - OBJ(sephirah /std/user#2573), OBJ(fille /std/user#41888) })
04:36 -
04:37 - Fille . o O ( maybe there would be some metal teens across the street where the music is coming from ).
04:37 - You say: Soulfly and Tithian want's you to go check!
04:37 -
04:38 - Fille wrinkles her nose.
04:39 - You say: you don't like metal?
04:39 -
04:39 - Fille goes "nahhhh".
04:39 - Fille . o O ( I don't like going up to strangers by myself ^_^ ).
04:39 - Maegen has gone net-dead.
04:39 - [ Maegen has gone net-dead ]
04:40 - Fille . o O ( sounds like its more oldies actually ).
04:40 - You pout.
04:40 -
04:40 - Fille . o O ( but distorted ).
04:40 - You say: We doÅ!
04:40 -
04:41 - Fille . o O ( thats great *-_^* but that doesn't mean I do ).
04:41 - Fille giggles merrily.
04:41 - Fille d'honneur is shy.
04:48 - You smile.
04:48 -
04:48 - Fille . o O ( is that a good thing? ).
04:48 - Fille grins.
04:48 - Fille gets the idea in her thick skull and gives an 'AH' of comprehension.
04:48 - Fille chuckles "hehehehe".
04:48 - You say: to my other apartment, to sleep
04:48 -
04:49 - Fille . o O ( you sure he'll be able to get in? ).
04:49 - You say: I'm drinking lots of water and aspirin in prevention
04:49 - measurements ;)
04:49 -
04:49 -
04:49 - Fille winks.
04:49 - You say: I gave him my keys
04:49 -
04:49 - Fille chuckles.
04:49 - You say: going to sleep very soon
04:49 -
04:49 - You say: it's as bright as daylight outside
04:49 -
04:49 - Fille says: sounds like a good idea
04:49 - Fille wrinkles her nose.
04:50 - You say: Soulfly is saying goodnight
04:50 -
04:50 - Fille says: goodnight
04:51 - Fille smiles.
04:52 - Maegen has reconnected.
04:52 - [ Maegen has re-entered Ages of Despair ]
04:52 - Maegen says: bah sorry, my connection died and then I went to get my
04:52 - pizza
04:53 - You gasp in astonishment!
04:53 -
04:53 - You say: you mean you leave us for a... PIZZA!
04:53 -
04:53 - Fille grins.
04:53 - Maegen says: yep
04:53 - Maegen grins.
04:56 - Maegen says: and oh yeah, I've seen Tithian's picture before
04:56 - Maegen says: I had forgotten
04:56 - You grin.
04:56 -
04:56 - Maegen says: he looks like a modern Beethoven
04:56 - Maegen says: okay, I'm going to go eat my pizza now ;) Don't do
04:56 - anything to my idle body
04:56 -
04:56 - You say: we're gonna post a log of today later, wehn we're sober enough
04:56 - ;)
04:56 -
04:56 -
04:56 - You say: Soulfly is already in bed, I'm gonna log off too
04:56 -
04:57 - > myheal
04:57 - You heal every player in the mud to full health.
04:57 -
04:57 - You shout: Good night fellow addicts and dorks! ;)
04:57 -
04:57 - Fille grins.
04:57 - *Chrono wabes at you. (he missed the "v" key again!).
04:57 - *Sephirah waves goodbye to you.
04:57 - You hug Fille.
04:57 -
04:57 - Fille hugs you.
04:57 - You hug Maegen goodnight.
04:57 -
04:57 - Fille . o O ( sweet dreams ).
04:57 - You say: night girls
04:57 -
04:57 - > quit
04:57 - [thief]: A·\/·E has left the realm.
04:57 - [Woodland] Ave leaves the game.
04:57 - [Guild status saved.]
04:57 -
04:57 -
04:57 - The monsters in Ages of Despair will miss you!