Guilds: Thief

General Information:
Thieves are the secretive, mysterious guild of the realm, who sneak about in the dark. They specialize in getting in and out of difficult situations, often acquiring a large amount of other peoples' possessions on the way.

They are jacks of all trades, and masters of quite a few. Members of this guild enjoy the aspect of role playing that is involved. They are not the best of fighters nor do they have time to learn the magical arts, but they are very adept at the arts of deception.

Experienced Thieves can easily disarm deadly traps and find hidden exits that many dungeons are filled with. Thieves learn to sneak and hide themselves in the shadows, and love to stab monsters in the back for massive damage. Races with high dexterity and intelligence usually make the best Thieves.
Famous Powers:
Steal, Secondary Weapon, Disarm Trap, and Vengeance.
Guild Prerequisites:
Character needs to be a Rogue.
Character cannot be an angel.
Character may not be a Cleric or Paladin.
Restricted dual classing with Healer and Druid.
Guild Master(s):